How much wind is too much

2 responses

  1. KM says:

    This Ontario energy supply mix paper by the OPA highlights the challenges in the next two decades. I agree that exact strategy on how to address the energy gap is not clear.

    However, Ontario’s standard offer contract (10MW) for renewable energy projects are clearly steps in the right direction. Though ambitious, 5000MW from wind power in the future would just replace the current output from coal-plants.

    But the energy gap by 2025 according to the OPA report would be 24,000MW (!), so need a helluva LOT more than just wind to get there.

  2. Mark McQueen says:

    Getting to 5000MW of Ontario wind generation capability would be fantastic for the Province and the Wind Assoc. Lots of capital required to hit that stage though, as well.

    In addition to financing airport luggage carts (for example), the infrastructure players need to get more involved for this to happen.

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