Forgotten too easily

1 response

  1. RMQ says:

    Canada had two home-grown heroes in the first World War. Colonel John McCrae, who wrote In Flanders Fields, and Billy Bishop, the ace who downed seventy-two enemy aircraft. After that, it took until the 1990s for two more national heroes of a different sort to emerge: Major-General Lewis Mackenzie, chief of staff of the United Nations protection force in the former Yugolslavia, and Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire, who led the United Nations mission in Rwanda and warned of genocide to an indifferent world. Both men became famous by dint of their own effort, running for Parliament, writing books, etc. I agree, Canada needs a yellow-ribbon mentality. Most of all, we need an up-from-the-bootstraps hero, someone like Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinals player killed in 2004 in Afghanistan while on duty as an Army Ranger. Tillman hasn’t played in the NFL for almost five years but his jersey currently ranks among the top ten most popular sellers.

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