Appleberry update
It is amazing to think that RIM was up $5 at one point yesterday, despite the fact that Macworld was just about to get into full swing. Today, with Steve Jobs’ news, it is time for the exits. It was a bad day all ’round for the capital markets, but a 6% drop in RIM is a sign that the Mo’ Guys were at it again. Trying to make back some of the money they lost shorting the stock as it rose from C$115 to C$150 late last year.
That Apple is going their own way can only come as a surprise to a few folks, shurely! You call that “research”? If there was ever any doubt that the guy is pathalogical….
The iPhone is a big ticket for the high school set at $500 per. But from the looks of the handbags at Yorkdale on any given weekend, the tween crowd will find a way. Oakville-based teenage babysitters get $15/hour. Couple of solid weekends and you own it.
The enterprise customer isn’t going anywhere near this device, but perhaps the Pearl will suffer. The Crimson ever more so? The boys were more than a bit lucky that they launched the consumer Peal in time for the last quarter and not the coming one. The silver lining is that this might convince RIM to jettison that dinky button on the front and bring us back our dependable trackwheel.
Hats off to Apple. Jason tells me the groundswell is beginning; can Mac’s 10% marketshare been too far behind? The buzz from today won’t hurt one bit.
Unlike the iPods, let’s hope the new phone will have a life expectancy of more than 18 months.
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