And then the bottom fell out on Torstar shares

3 responses

  1. Alpha says:

    If you want to talk about the bottom falling out of the barrel, you have to look no further than CanWest Global (CG-T). The shares fell below $4.00 this morning. Yikes.

  2. jp says:

    Sell Metroland to save the Toronto Star? They’d be getting rid of the real crown jewels then. Large daily city papers like the Star are going the way of the dodo. Nondaily community papers are the only bright spot in the industry.

  3. Roman says:

    Metroland is their highest growing division in terms of revenue. Meroland’s sales consistenly grow at double digits every year. Harlequin is one of the most profitable divisions.

    What they need to do is to invest more in Torstar digital and create mainstream user products. could be so much more that what it is right now for example.

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