Hats off to Brent Fullard — but vote for Jim

8 responses

  1. Brent Fullard says:


    How nice of you to write this piece. Your sentiments reflect well on you as a person. Wished I could say the same about the “writers” at the Globe.

    One thing however, as your former mentor of sorts, you are obviously unaware that Falherty’s tax leakage argument is a total artifice, a fraud, a mere canard backed by nonsense, as evidenced by 18 pages of blacked out documents issued under the Access to Information Act…that in an Act of Panic, Flaherty demanded be returned????

    How smart is that? Like returning to the scene of the crime smart, I would say.

    Flaherty is far too lame to realize that a tax leakage analysis is not so much about the numbers (all blacked out), but more about the methodology as revealled by the column and row headings (not blacked out).

    The man is truly out of his depth….professionally and ethically.

    All the best and thanks. Brent

  2. Pete Toth says:

    And any hint as to when MRM might throw his PC stetson into the ring? 😉

  3. Andy says:

    As much as I dislike Jim Flaherty’s attitude I feel sorry for all Liberals for having Dion as their leader. He turns me off.

  4. Curious Mind says:

    “…and Minister Flaherty deserves to be re-elected…”

    Why? No, really, why?

  5. Gerry says:

    Mark; You state the following:

    “Canadians, as a rule, believe that corporations should pay some level of tax, which of course doesn’t happen when it comes to corporates that are structured as income trusts”.

    Are you not aware that with Income Trusts,the unit holders are the owners of the company and that they must pay income tax on the distributions they receive.

    Also,the unit holders pay income tax at a much higher rate then most corporations. As a result,the Government ends up with more tax revenue from an Income Trust structured corporation then the other structures.


  6. Mark McQueen says:


    If you could tell me that 100% of Income Trusts were held in accounts where tax would be paid in the current year, you’d be right. But, the lion’s share of investments of this nature of most Canadians are in tax-sheltered and tax-deferred accounts.


  7. Gerry says:

    In my case, the “lions share” is held in accounts where taxes are paid annually. And what is in my tax sheltered account (RRSP)is taxed by my mandarory withdrawl requirements.

    The Government gets all of it,s taxes in the end.

  8. Mark McQueen says:


    If most of your invested capital is in taxable accounts, I can understand your view on tax. Most Canadians aren’t in that situation however.

    As to your sheltered RRSP investments, paying tax 10, 20 or 30 years from now has a very different present value to a government than the tax that Bell Canada or Telus would have paid in the current calendar year. After 20 years, for example, a dollar of current tax is worth about 60 cents (assuming 2.5% inflation).

    But I didn’t mean for this site to turn into the new Alamo for the Income Trust crowd. Unless you also want to engage on the “grassy knoll”. Now there’s a beaten-to-death issue that deserves resuscitation!


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