One of the best biz plans ever
I may not be the only one to have received this B.C.-generated blast email, but as business plans go, it must rank up there for its forecast internal rate of return:
“Yucatan Sun Organic Farms, Inc. (USA) has acquired 11,000 acres of Organic Land strategically located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico for year-round production and ease of US national market delivery. The company is seeking $88.5 million (now there’s a precise number) so it can service supply-starved US organic booming markets. Yucatan Sun can provide much needed market supply and rationally generate $143 million in profits by year 2. Management is expert, industry experienced, and in place.” Profits in the first 4 years will surpass $770MM!
So, if you have about $90 million (plus deal fees) to invest in Mexico, I’ll send along the business plan. Heads up: in one place the document claims the promoters have already “acquired” the land, but another merely refers to a lease with the local authorities.
This guy assures me you’ll make a killing. I checked the agents’ website, and unfortunately the only client testimonial posted isn’t from a company that shows up with a Google search; hmmmm. Nevertheless, they say they belong to the American Finance Association (the annual membership fee is $50, plus you get a one year subscription to The Journal of Finance), so that’s some comfort on the due dili I suppose.
That gem landed on our desk as well…