SES on Canada's Afgan mood
According to Nik Nanos, of SES Research, the Afgan mission, although started by the former Liberal Government, is the barrier to a Conservative majority government (based upon a poll of 1,000 Canadians):
1. Do you think that Canada and NATO together have deployed or not deployed the necessary resources in Afghanistan to succeed?
Have deployed necessary resources 30%
Have not deployed necessary resources 55%
Unsure 15%
2. I am going to read you two statements and I’d like you to tell me which statement best reflects your personal view. [Rotate]
Casualties are an unfortunate but necessary part of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. 39%
If the casualties continue, Canada should pull out of Afghanistan. 55%
Unprompted – Agree with neither statement 6%
3. Do you agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or disagree with the Conservative Governments management of the mission in Afghanistan?
Agree 18%
Somewhat agree 26%
Somewhat disagree 14%
Disagree 34%
Unsure 8%
4. Do you think Canada’s mission in Afghanistan is making Canada more or less vulnerable to a terrorist attack?
More vulnerable 67%
Less vulnerable 18%
Unsure 15%
One can only imagine what a poll taken in 1940 might have showed, but I doubt the results would have dramatically different. With the first question, Canadian soldiers wouldn’t have had effective equipment for the first three or four years of WWII. The second question explains why militaries have been commanded by an individual, and not a committee, for centuries. On the 3rd question, if you back out the responses of those that live in Quebec, which polls universally against the effort, the numbers are quite supportive. The response to the fourth question likely reflects the reality: Neutral nations don’t generally raise the ire of aggressors.
Canada has been participating in foreign battles since the late 1800s. This is just another in that proud tradition.
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