Bring on the toll roads

4 responses

  1. Thanks for this post. I wholeheartedly agree.

    Take a look at the highly successful Stockholm case as well.

    Congestion charges, initially opposed by the public, ended up receiving overwhelming support in a referendum after being introduced for a 6 month trial period. Tolls can work.

  2. Alpha says:

    I’ve written my city councilor proposing that the city sell between 70-80% of the Gardiner/DVP to either the 407 ETR consortium or some other infrastructure private equity group. A back of the envelope calculation puts a quality toll road, such as the 407 or Chicago’s skyway expressway, in the range of $40-to-$70-million/Km. Selling a large portion of the could see a short-term cash injection in city coffers somewhere in the range of $2-$4.5-billion (depending upon the deal they can hammer out), plus a continued 20-25% ownership would insure a nice dividend stream in the in the $70-129-million range.

    In addition, I would love to see the TTC to enter into long-term lease-buyback agreements with a large infrastructure group, like a Brookfield, to build new subway lines. Lets get the subway line built out to Sherway and compliment a toll strategy.

  3. Glen says:

    Keep in mind that more people in Toronto now work in the 905 district than the other way around. Traffic flows are reversed.

  4. Mark McQueen says:

    Interesting. I’ve not heard that before. I have merely judged this by a few dozen trips up and down at that time of day over the past three years. Where could I find that stat?

    If Torontonians are commuting north in greater numbers than 905ers are coming south, it is still a worthy initiative. Pay-as-you-go (even if it isn’t full cost recovery) is how we treat the people that take the GO Train, the TTC, VIA, etc.

    One has to ask why businesses are moving to that region from Toronto. Couldn’t be lower business taxes, could it?


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