Bay Street Bonus Anxiety

3 responses

  1. Alpha says:

    No better time than now to go out and start an investment-based company (hedge fund, specialty lender, niche private equity group, etc).

    It seems that the Ontario provincial government is finally walking up to how important the financial services sector and is going to take steps to grow it (see today’s link for Andrew Willis Blog)

    I would love to see the Ontario government setup a fund-of-fund structure (similar to the recent development of the Ontario Venture Fund) but focus solely on incubating niche finance/insurance/capital markets plays. We have some unbelievable fund-of-hedge fund/specialty finance groups in Toronto (DGAM and Northwater Capital), that could easily help incubate dozens of these group.


  2. Mark McQueen says:


    I happened to be at this very meeting with Ministers Duncan and Pupatello on behalf of the CVCA and concur with the sentiment expressed in the Willis piece.


  3. Alpha says:

    I’m glad to see that ArrowHedge/Marret have started an incubator fund-of-hedge funds, to seed local managers.

    I would love to see a dozen high quality investment groups come from this.

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