Media Hat Tip #s 29, 30 and 31
In case you missed it, Stephen Grocer, the Deal Journal Columnist at The Wall Street Journal, picked up on our “Put Citigroup out of its misery” blog post from last night. Here’s the link to his WSJ online piece.
Some sleepy journo at Macleans Magazine also grabbed the same piece. Other than spelling my name wrong (“Mark Macqueen”) and misidentifying our firm (“Wellington West”), we don’t mind the traffic. [Ed note: at some point over the weekend, Macleans fixed the errors. If you aren’t going to come up with your own ideas, the least you can do is get the simple stuff right!]
Those defaming libelists at the National Pest are also on the case, also linking to the same blog. Please, just go away. Find yourself some other unpaid freelancers to fill up your unread online space. We are only interested in quality DTM links, like the Globe and the Wall Street Journal.
Have a good weekend everyone!
> Other than spelling my name wrong and misidentifying our firm
That’s the hard-hitting journalism Macleans has turned into lately. Sad… when fact checking takes too long.