John Barber convinces Torstar to give him new platform for his tired tall tales

3 responses

  1. Brian Iler says:

    “Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport is not subsidized and receives no funding from any level of government.” Really.

    You know better.

    Where to start?

    Nominal rent for exceedingly valuable land from the City – three parcels – a huge piece of the Airport lands, the Stadium Road parking lots, and the Eireann Quay queuing lanes. Leases run until 2033, or earlier, if the Island Airport is closed.

    The rest of the Airport lands were GIVEN to Ports Toronto by the federal government.

    Failing to pay its fair share of property taxes to the City – the sums are huge: at fair market value assessment, which every other taxpayer pays, 2012 taxes payable were $4,332,690. The difference between taxes payable and the sum paid by Ports Toronto is over $2.5 million dollars for ONE YEAR. A huge subsidy of the Airport by the people of Toronto, no?

    There’s lots more, but you get the idea.

    Those subsidies are passed directly on to Porter, as it only pays Ports Toronto’s net Airport costs after all other Airport revenue is deducted. Who made that sweetheart deal in 2010? You did, of course. How did the public interest get served by that deal? We’ve asked you before, but you’ve not replied. Time you did.

  2. wayne christian says:

    MRM disclosure is laughable as he is the Head Chair of PT. Although not specifically provable; he and Deluce are likely the Puppet Masters of so-called Porter ¨Proposal for Expansion & Jets. MRM states PortsToronto paid $2.4 million in gross royalty charges to the Federal government for 2014, and an additional $2.9 million in Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT)to the City of Toronto. PILTS for Canadian Airports are really tax reductions, aiding airports like BBTCA; resulting in less money to the City of Toronto. PT is made up of 4 business parts (1)Port Operations – $5.9+ million in revenue, 2) Outer Harbour Marina – $3.2+ million in revenue, 3) Property Rental & Other – $1.3+ million revenue and 4) BBTCA in 2014 produced $20.8+ million revenue plus an additional $18.7 million in Airport Improvement Fees (AIF).

    BBTCA tabulated 2,428,282 total commercial passengers in 2014.

    PortsToronto paid $2.4 million in gross royalty charges to the Federal government for 2014, and an additional $2.9 million in Payments In Lieu Of Taxes to the City of Toronto

    Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport is not subsidized and receives no funding from any level of government. PortsToronto, as owner and operator of Billy Bishop Airport, receives no Federal grants (by law) and is entirely financially self-sufficient. Barber knows all of this as a result of his earlier litigation experience. In addition, PortsToronto paid $2.4 million in gross royalty charges to the Federal government for 2014, and an additional $2.9 million in Payments In Lieu Of Taxes to the City of Toronto.

    Would not one think with the revenues plus AIF as recorded in 2014, TP would pay more than $5.3 million in taxes.

    Wayne with the cane

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